Collections & Exhibits


Stowe Speaks Oral History

The Stowe Historical Society has partnered with Fourfold Legacy Services to bring you Stowe Speaks, an oral history project dedicated to preserving the story of our past from those who lived it.....right here in Stowe, Vermont. Over 40 interviews have been completed and will be available to stream soon.


A NIght out in Stowe

One of the most well-loved aspects of Stowe to locals and visitors alike is the town’s extensive restaurant scene. Far from a modern addition to the “Ski Capital of the East,” restaurants have been an important part of life in town stretching back to the 1950s. Whether you remember Pie in the Sky or you still haven’t gotten a chance to stop at the Matterhorn, there has always been something for everyone at Stowe’s many eateries. In the Stowe Historical Society’s first online exhibition, take a walk through the history of Stowe’s restaurants and bars from the comfort of your own home. We hope this whets your appetite to discover more at the museum. Please come in to check out the more than 300 restaurant names at 100+ locations, along with an array of menus and the almost forgotten collector’s match book covers.

Gracie’s Restaurant Carson Building:  This dog can cook!

Gracie’s Restaurant Carson Building: This dog can cook!


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Livery Stables

SCHOOLs and scholars

Please checkout our new collection of school house photos and history. Schools were very important in the development of Stowe as in most Vermont towns. Original settlement of the town was near the intersection of Stagecoach Road and Pucker Street. As early as 1797 there were votes designating which Lots were in a school district. The first four districts were geographically identified:

  1. District One was in the south, later to become “Mill Village”;

  2. District Two was center to west, later “West Branch”

  3. District Three was Northwest, later “West Hill”

  4. District Four was Northeast, later “Pucker Street”

Please check out our exhibit The Schools of Stowe which collects photos and content. Additional detailed article pages can be found supporting West Branch (District 2), Bloody Brook, and Old Yeller (District 6).


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Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium. Suspendisse ultrices, tellus vitae varius convallis, ipsum justo commodo dui, a feugiat
